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  • Professional
Why use a Professional Makeup Artist?
Simply, because we know makeup.
It is our job to study undertones, overtones, colour matching, skin types, face shapes, eye shapes, lip shapes, brow designing and more. It is our desire to use all these skills, coupled with professional makeup products, on YOU!
It is your job, to be stress free and book a professional.
Makeup IS NOT simply applying a beautiful colour with a fancy brush.  We spend years honing our skills and abilities in working on as many faces as possible, and studying those faces.  And our studying never ceases as we continuously focus on the latest fashion trends, TV shows and magazines, in an effort to remain on trend and educated when it comes to style and product.
Makeup IS applying the correct colour, according to your undertone and overtone, on the correct spot, according to effect (to make more beautiful) or correction (to hide a flaw), using an appropriate brush according to shape and type of hair, combined with a specific technique.
We love what we do. We know makeup.
We offer makeup for any occasion, event, editorial or production from traditional makeup techniques
(using only professional product such as Mehron, MAC, Inglot, Kryolan, MUD, Saucebox, Smashbox and more) to Airbrush (Temptu) and Special Effects (e.g. Kryolan, Graftobian, Mask etc).
makeupoffice logo   in beautiful collaboration with   weddingandsuit

The Makeup Office has joined forces with the Wedding and Suit International based in Bedfordview, to offer you – the client – a one stop shop when it comes to your wedding day, from outfit to makeup to photographer to cake!

Visit www.weddingandsuit.co.za for more information or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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